A Complete Art For Body & Mind
I Liq Chuan 意力拳 —the “Martial Art of Awareness”—is an “internal” system known for its real-world effectiveness.
Through specialized partner training methods, practitioners develop spontaneous actions that arise naturally, flowing like water for both attack and defense.
I Liq Chuan is based on the Tai Chi and Zen principles of flowing, awareness, and understanding yin and yang. You will learn to be more balanced and mindful, transforming your martial arts practice and your daily life.
Unlock The Secrets of The Old Masters!
The internal martial arts masters of ancient China mastered the skills to develop unusual power of both mind and body, but they were often cryptic and frequently took their secrets with them to the grave!
Fortunately, in modern times, one living master -Grandmaster Sam Chin—is sharing these secrets openly! In this two-day workshop, his long-time student Ashe Higgs will present the core principles and methods of I Liq Chuan’s unique partner training methods of spinning and sticky hands, as well as the secrets of developing the “inner feel” through jibengong 基本功.
About Ashe Higgs
Instructor Ashe Higgs has trained directly under world-renowned master Sam F.S. Chin for over 20 years. Personally certified to teach, he is also a disciple and lineage holder of the art.
2 Day Workshop
When: Mar 29&30 2025 10am-5pm
Where: The Kilimanjahro
33 Subway St, Bisbee, AZ 85603
Fee: $200 2 Days *get a $50 “lightning discount” when you RSVP by 15 MAR!
Contact: call or text Hosh (52O) 6O4-1741
If you prefer to pay in cash or check, please get in touch with Hosh at the number above.